Workshop on Scalability & Interoperability of Blockchains (SIB)

SIB is a workshop on the scalability and interoperability of blockchains.

SIB aims to unite theoretical and practical approaches to the scalability and interoperability of blockchains, bringing together researchers and practitioners from the fields of security, cryptography, distributed systems, economics, and policy-making.

Scalability pertains to effectively maintaining a blockchain’s throughput and latency as the network grows. Interoperability expresses the composition of multiple blockchains to build protocols with richer functionality on top.

The goal of SIB is to discuss state-of-the-art scalability and interoperability solutions, the advantages of each, and their respective converses.

The conference is co-organized with AFT 2024.

Call for papers: submission deadline 10th of July.

Conference Date: 26 September 2024.

Venue: Austrian National Bank (OeNB), Vienna, Austria.

Registration: €100 for workshop only. €50 extra if you are already attending AFT. Plus €50 for late registration. Please visit the AFT website to register.

Accommodations: Please see the AFT website for more information

Attending remotely: No remote attendance will be possible.

Affiliated conferences/workshops

Call for papers

Submission site

PDF submissions can be submitted at EasyChair:

Important Dates

Proceedings and Submission at other Conferences

SIB is not archival and does not have proceedings. It is allowed to submit work which has been published at or submitted to another conference or a journal.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:


Do Not Submit

The conference is generally not intended for price analysis of cryptocurrency markets or other investor related topics. Nor is it a venue for legal considerations of owning or using cryptocurrency. We request proposals that are engineering or scientific in nature only.

Submission Instructions

Please submit a detailed technical paper that describes a novel contribution to the theory or practice of blockchain interoperability and scalability science and engineering.

Conflict of Interest

Authors must report in the submission site any conflicts with program committee members. A conflict exists if an author has the same affiliation as a committee member, has ever acted as their PhD supervisor or been supervised by them, has a close personal relationship with them, or if they have been co-authors on a paper within the past two years.

Organizing Committee